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Submitted by Lindy Turner on

Now could be the best time for you to re-enter the homeownership market. Rents are often higher than a house payment! Call us to help you find the best product for your situation or apply online at www.clinchpowell.net
Tennessee's homeownership rate keeps falling... from 69.0% to 66.3% over the past five years.
That's the latest number from THDA's research team, which just released a great big pile of statistics for each of our state's 95 counties and the state as a whole. Want to check out the digits where you live? Head here:
At that link, you'll find fact sheets for every Tennessee county, featuring a running five-year average of housing data at the local and statewide level. You can also compare the most recent five-year averages (2012-2016) to five years earlier (2007-2011) to see which way the trends are headed.