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Submitted by Benjamin T Turner on

Thank you to our friends at Partners for Sacred Places for the recent site visit of both the Rutledge Presbyterian Church and the Henderson Chapel. Both churches are on the historic register and are members of the Central Appalachia cohort of historic churches that Partners are supporting with training, planning grants and repair grants.
Also, a big thank you to Mayor Mike Byrd, Representative Rick Eldridge and Michael Hensley from Senator Blackburn’s office for stopping by to learn more about the churches and participate in the tour. We appreciate the continued support of our elected officials as well as all of the community members that came by to learn more and support our efforts. To learn more about the Rutledge Historic Churches Restoration Project text the word DONATE to 855-680-3778 or click here Clinch-Powell RC&D Council - Rutledge Historic Churches Restoration Project (networkforgood.com)