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Submitted by Benjamin T Turner on

The Lakeway Financial Opportunity Center (FOC) has now been going strong for six months! We are working diligently to help our clients meet their goals of long term financial stability! Do you want to develop or change your career, improve job skills, manage money better, or improve credit? We can help!
The FOC offers tailored services designed to help participants secure living wage jobs, build credit, reduce debt, and gain wealth. We focus on three primary areas: financial coaching, employment coaching, and income support eligibility screening and referrals.
We have helped nearly thirty participants work towards their goals in the past six months. One of our favorite success stories is that of a young, single mother raising her own three children and two children whom she has taken in to prevent them from entering state’s custody. Since November, she has gained more sustainable employment and has enrolled in college to complete her Pharmacy Technician Certification. She will finish the program in December and begin a new career! Next step: Homeownership. The coaches at Lakeway FOC will be with her every step of the way.
Do you have dreams for your future, but aren’t sure where to start? Contact us today!