Small Business Loans
Locally owned businesses are the backbone of communities.With our Rural Small Business Loan Fund, we are able to stimulate economic development in the area by providing affordable financing to local businesses and entrepreneurs.
Fill out our Small Business Loan Application Here!
Eligible areas are any county located in USDA’s Rural Development Service area, including:
- Grainger
- Claiborne
- Hancock
- Hawkins
- Union
- Jefferson
- Greene
- Cocke
- Campbell
- Hamblen
- Rural Areas of Knox County
Eligible Uses of Funds
- Purchase of equipment
- Purchase of real property
- Purchase of contracted materials (with some limitations)
- General operating funds
Purchase of inventory and investments are not eligible.
There are limitations on some agricultural purposes.
- Acceptable collateral required
Interest Rates
- Below market rates
- Based on credit score, loan amount and collateral
Loan Limits
- Up to $45,000
Loan Terms will depend on:
- Loan purpose
- Loan amount
- Collateral