Other Programs

The identity of Clinch-Powell lies in its many programs. Our programs are where our real work happens, and how we make a lasting change in the community. Clinch-Powell is working to improve our communities on many different levels. We invite you to take a closer look at our Conservation and Ecotourism initiatives. You will probably even find a program that is currently benefiting you or perhaps could benefit you in the future.


Clinch-Powell Watershed Alliance

Clinch-Powell incorporates sound conservation practices in all of our programs; however, the Watershed Alliance is our primary conservation effort at this time. This is a groundbreaking partnership between the Clinch-Powell RC&D and The Nature Conservancy. Our purpose is to provide financial assistance to farmers who wish to make improvements that will protect the waters of the Clinch and Powell river systems. We are not a regulatory agency; we are simply offering assistance to those who request it.

The Watershed Alliance has protected nearly 100 miles of streams through easements and controlled animal access, and has raised farm income with improved best management practices. Financial and technical assistance is provided through federal, state, local and private partnerships.

For more information contact Ronald Lambert at 423-300-8855 or rlambert@tnc.org.

Specialized Grazing Assistance

Specialized Grazing Assistance is provided to farmers in East Tennessee to help them maximize profits, improve soil health, and control pests through intensive grazing management. Our grazing conservationist works with each farmer to develop a plan that is specific to the land and the production goals of the landowner.

Appalachia CARES / AmeriCorps

Many of our AmeriCorps member placements are conservation-focused or include components of energy efficiency education and conservation practices in the implementation of service-learning projects in the community.