Become a Host Site

Thank you for your interest in partnering with us! Below you’ll find a summary of host site requirements and expectations. We encourage you to read through these thoroughly and reach out to us if you think Appalachia CARES AmeriCorps members would be a good fit for your organization.

Recruitment and Supervision

We partner with diverse agencies with a common goal of getting things done in our communities. To find the best fit for each organization and placement, our host sites take an active role in recruiting applicants for their Appalachia CARES AmeriCorps positions. Host sites will designate a site supervisor who will be the main contact for the member and liaison between the site and AmeriCorps program staff. The supervisor (and other agency staff as applicable) will provide onsite supervision, set up member schedules, verify service hours by approving timesheets, and participate in performance evaluations. Site supervisors will be required to communicate regularly with the AmeriCorps program and support the member in meeting requirements and having a positive service experience.

National Service Criminal History Check

In order to ensure the safety of AmeriCorps members and those we serve, the assigned site supervisor must agree to undergo the National Service Criminal History Check, including a FBI fingerprint check, in order to be cleared to supervise AmeriCorps members at the agency. Specific requirements will be provided.

Service Site

The host site must agree to provide a safe and healthful service (work) site for each AmeriCorps member, to provide adequate orientation and training necessary to perform assigned duties, to provide all supplies and equipment needed to carry out service, and to treat each AmeriCorps member as a regular member of the host site staff.

AmeriCorps Member Service Activities

Direct Service

AmeriCorps members will perform direct service activities that advance the goals of the Appalachia CARES AmeriCorps program, as well as the host site, and that will result in a specific identifiable service or improvement that otherwise would not be provided. Members spend the vast majority of their time engaging in direct service. Appalachia CARES program staff will work with service sites to set up position descriptions, which include specific service activities based on program goals and agency needs.

Capacity Building

Capacity building activities that AmeriCorps members perform should enhance the mission, strategy, skills, and culture, as well as systems, infrastructure, and human resources of the host organization. Capacity building activities should help the organization gain greater independence and sustainability. Some examples include: volunteer management, developing partnerships, conducting outreach, securing resources in support of programs, improving agency infrastructure, etc.

Member Training

Training activities include required AmeriCorps training, as well as training and education provided by the service site. No more than 20% of all AmeriCorps member service hours may be spent in education and training activities.


AmeriCorps members may raise resources directly in support of the host site’s service activities. For example: writing a grant proposal, securing donated supplies and equipment, seeking community donations for specific programs or services, etc. AmeriCorps members may NOT raise funds for their living allowances, for an organization’s general operating expenses or endowment, or write a grant application to AmeriCorps or to any other federal agency. AmeriCorps members may spend no more than 10% of the originally agreed upon minimum hours for their term on fundraising activities.

Recognition & Affiliation

The host site must identify the member as an Appalachia CARES AmeriCorps member, not agency staff. Members are provided as a resource. Host sites are required to display the provided sign in a public onsite location, and to post the provided logo on the agency website homepage. Appalachia CARES AmeriCorps members are required to wear the provided AmeriCorps gear (uniform) daily and to identify themselves as Appalachia CARES AmeriCorps members. Members may be assigned a sub-title by the host agency, but the “Appalachia CARES AmeriCorps Member” identification must be first and primary. Official logos, gear, and instructions will be provided by the Appalachia CARES program.

AmeriCorps Rules of Conduct and Prohibited Activities

While charging time to the AmeriCorps program, accumulating service or training hours, or otherwise performing activities supported by Clinch-Powell, Appalachia CARES, the AmeriCorps program or the host site, AmeriCorps members may not engage in any activity that is illegal, poses a significant safety risk to others, or violates AmeriCorps prohibited activities, including but not limited to: lobbying, religious activities, bipartisan political activities, polling, and voter registration drives. The complete Rules of Conduct and list of Prohibited Activities will be provided in the Host Site Agreement, Member Handbook, Member Service Agreement, and Supervisor Handbook.

Non-Duplication and Non-Displacement

Host sites will agree to the terms of the AmeriCorps Non-Duplication and Non-Displacement policies with the understanding that AmeriCorps members will not be placed at an agency that is out of compliance with these and other federal regulations. Full policies will be provided in the Host Site Agreement and Supervisor Handbook.

Additional Requirements

The Host Agency must agree that the program will be conducted in compliance with the nondiscrimination provisions as contained in Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (P. L. 100–259) and other nondiscrimination statues; namely, Section 504, of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. The full AmeriCorps Program Civil Rights and Non-Harassment Policy is updated annually, available at this link:

The Host Agency must agree to comply with federal laws concerning restrictions on lobbying, a drug-free workplace, and responsibilities for procurement, suspension, and disbarment.

Get Involved

To apply for an AmeriCorps member placement within your agency or to learn more, please email

Full policies will be provided in the host site application, agreement, and site supervisor handbook.