Submitted by Benjamin T Turner on
Deb and Roy Anderson became our first ever Home Able program participants in April of 2017. After paying almost 40% of their low disability income in housing costs while renting an old mobile home that was dilapidated and unsafe to live in, they now pay only 27% of their total monthly for a home that is safe, energy efficient, and best of all, their very own. The worked with Clinch-Powell counselors for a few months to build credit and pay off some minor debts, and once they were homeownership ready, Clinch-Powell was able to use the Home Able program to provide them with home loan they could afford on their limited income. Clinch-Powell counselors also provided 12 months of follow up financial coaching to ensure that the Roy and Deb would be successful.
Home Able is a program designed by Clinch-Powell to provide safe affordable housing through homeownership opportunities to very low income individuals who, for various reasons, may not immediately be able to obtain vouchers for public housing or rental assistance programs. By providing affordable housing through homeownership, Home Able is meeting the need of the client, but also freeing up the waiting list for housing. The community benefits as well because older, run down homes are rehabbed, eliminating blight and decreasing the number of empty homes in the area. This positively impacts property values and increases tax revenue for the cities and counties.
Funding for the program comes in part from proceeds from the HOME grant, and the very low payments are made possible because of permanent financing through USDA- Rural Development, time and manpower contributed by Appalachia CARES AmeriCorps members, sweat equity from the homebuyers, and community donations and partnerships.
If you would like to give of your time and skill, or make a tax deductible donation of money, appliances, furniture, or even houses! #30years #30faces